[ Top ] Last updated Feb 2011



Professional Experience

Positions Held


Theses directed

  1. Thomas Limperis, Ph.D., " Embedding Theorems for the Bloch Space", 1998
  2. Phuc K. Nguyen, Ph.D., "Interpolation and Sampling Sequences for Mixed-norm Spaces", 2011
  3. Newton H. Foster, Ph.D,. "A General Sampling Scheme for Bergman Spaces", 2014

Grants And Awards



Other awards

Current Research Activity

Preprints and work in progress

I have some completed preprints offered for download.

Publications (refereed)

  1. Badly approximable functions and uniform algebras, J. Approximation Theory, 22 (1978), 161-176.
  2. The compact Hankel operators form an M-ideal in the space of Hankel operators, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 79 (1980), 22-224.
  3. Inequalities in Bergman spaces, Ill, J. Math., 25 (1981), 1-11.
  4. Division in Douglas algebras, Michigan Math. J., 29 (1982), 307-314.
  5. A technique for characterizing Carleson measures on Bergman spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 87 (1983), 656-660.
  6. Quotients of L^\infty by Douglas algebras and best approximation, Transactions of Amer. Math. Soc., 276 (1983), 699-706 (with R. Younis).
  7. Equivalent norms for Lp spaces of harmonic functions, Monatsefte fur Math., 96 (1983), 133-141.
  8. Closed-range restriction operators on weighted Bergman spaces, Pacific J. Math., 110 (1984), 145-160.
  9. Complex Analysis: A Functional Analysis Approach, Universitext, 176 pp. Spring-Verlag, New York, 1984 (with Lee A. Rubel).
  10. Forward and reverse Carleson inequalities for functions in Bergman spaces and their derivatives, Amer. J. Math. 107 (1985), 85-111.
  11. Representation and duality in weighted spaces of analytic functions, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 34 (1985), 319-336.
  12. Boundary behavior of Green potentials, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 96 (186), 481-488.
  13. On an extremal problem in the theory of rational approximation, J. Approx. Theory, 50 (1987), 127-132 (with D. Khavinson).
  14. Multipliers of Bergman spaces into Lebesgue spaces, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 29 (1986), 125-131.
  15. Trace ideal criteria for Toeplitz operators, J. Functional Analysis, 73 (1987), 345-368.
  16. Dominating measures for spaces of analytic functions, Ill. J. Math., 31 (1988), 23-39.
  17. A new proof of an inequality of Littlewood and Paley, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 103 (1988), 887-893.
  18. Embedding derivatives of Hardy Spaces into Lebesque spaces, Proc. London Math. Soc., 63 (1991), 595-619.
  19. Composition Operators belonging to the Schatten ideals, Amer. J. Math, 114 (1992), 1127-1145 (with Kehe Zhu).
  20. Embedding theorems for spaces of analytic functions via Khinchine's inequality, Michigan Math. J., 40 (1993), 333-358.
  21. Characterizations of certain class of Hankel operators on the Bergman spaces of the unit disk, J. Functional Anal., 110 (1992), 247-271.
  22. BMO on strongly pseudoconvex domains: Hankel operators, duality and d-bar estimates, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 346 (1994), 661-691 (with Huiping Li).
  23. Schatten Class of Hankel and Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space of strongly pseuoconvex domains, Contemporary Math., 185 (1995), 237--257 (with Huiping Li).
  24. Zero sequences for Bergman spaces, Complex Variables, 30 (1996), 345--362.
  25. The Dual of Bergman metric VMO, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 29, (1999), 1413--1428.
  26. Bounded composition operators with closed range on the Dirichlet space, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 128 (2000),1109--1116.
  27. Sampling measures for Bergman spaces on the unit disk, Math. Ann., 316 (2000), 659--679.
  28. On the value of pi for norms in R^2, The College Math. J., 35, (2003), 84--92 (with J. Duncan and C. McGregor).
  29. Interpolating Sequences for the Bergman spaces and the d-bar equation in weighted Lp, submitted.
  30. Finite rank Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 136 (2007) 1717--1723.




Invited Presentations (Since 1989 only)



luecking at uark dot edu